

In the other chair–some reflections on going for spiritual direction

In much of my life, I’m the one offering spiritual companionship, or guidance, or facilitating a small group.  Yet in another very important part of my life, I’m the one sitting in the other chair, the one looking for companionship, for witnessing, maybe even for a divine word or two.  I thought it might be… Continue reading In the other chair–some reflections on going for spiritual direction


What are your metaphors of what God is like for you?

metaphor >noun 1 a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable (e.g. food for thought). 2 a thing symbolic of something else. -ORIGIN from Greek, from metapherein 'to transfer.' As preparation for an initial spiritual direction meeting, I usually ask the spiritual… Continue reading What are your metaphors of what God is like for you?