On a recent visit to Ottawa, I was delighted to glance toward a street corner and see a life-size bronze statue of Canadian Jazz virtuoso Oscar Peterson seated at his piano. He was depicted as if he had just finished playing and had turned toward his audience. It was clear that the sculptor had succeeded… Continue reading Summer Reflection 2019
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Spirit of the Bobcat
The other morning I was taking the long way to breakfast when I spotted the bobcat off to the right, 20 metres up the road, half hidden in the prickly pear cacti. I stopped walking to watch it, and the bobcat did the same to me. We studied each other for 2 or 3 minutes.… Continue reading Spirit of the Bobcat
We light a candle…
Somewhere in the spiritual direction room a candle burns. It is symbolic of the energy which accompanies the two of us in the space. We may understand it in different ways: the fire of Christ’s love; the light ignited when we meet each other in heart and mind; the warmth of love between and within… Continue reading We light a candle…